Better2Know has private sexual health clinics in Extremadura, where you can book your appointment for your confidential STI and HIV test. At your appointment, our friendly clinician will take your sample, and send it to our laboratory for fast and accurate analysis. We will report your results on line as soon as they are ready. We will send you a message when all your results are back. You can then check your results when you are ready.

STI and HIV testing in Extremadura

Better2Know are experts in sexual health. No matter what you concerns, we are here to help you. Our expert medical team have carefully designed our tests and screens, so that whatever your concerns, we will have a screen which suits your needs.

Our booking team can help you to choose the right test for you. If you are not sure which tests to choose, then Better2Know suggests you choose our Full STI Screen. This tests you for HIV, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. This screen has been especially designed by our medical team as a good comprehensive screen.

We also have testing for Herpes Type1 (oral herpes) and Herpes Type 2 (genital herpes), Hepatitis C, Gardnerella and Trichomonas. These tests can be added to our Full STI Screen, or booked on their own.

To book your appointment, please call our friendly booking team on the number above, or book online.