What is HPV?

HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. HPV is sexually transmitted and is very common. It is estimated that roughly 40% of sexually active people have the HPV virus. There are over 100 types or strains of HPV though only some are known to lead to changes in the cervix that cause cancer.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for HPV. However, the symptoms of HPV which include Genital Warts and cervical changes can be treated. If you are sexually active or have symptoms of HPV, you should get tested regularly.

Did you know? …

HPV infections are recognised as the cause of 99.7% of cervical cancers, but HPV also causes anal, mouth and throat cancers.

HPV and Cervical Cancer Screening

The purpose of HPV and screening of your cervix is to detect changes to the cells before they become cancerous and test for the presence of HPV virus types. 

Better2Know offers you a comprehensive suite of tests for women and men which offer a full examination of your HPV status and cervical health for women. 

For women, the following tests are available:

  1. The Better2Know combined PAP smear and HPV test is recommended for women who are concerned about their HPV status and cervical health.  This combined test will look for any changes to the cells of your cervix as well as test your sample for High Risk and common Low Risk types of the HPV virus.
  2. The Better2Know PAP Smear uses a small brush to collect cells from your cervix and these cells will be examined for any trace of abnormalities.  With this test, and only if any abnormalities are detected, the sample will be automatically tested for the relevant HPV virus types.
  3. The Better2Know HPV test obtains a sample from an appropriate site and that sample will be tested using a PCR method to detect up to 20 High Risk and Low Risk viral types.  It should be noted that this test may disrupt the cells of the cervix rendering them unsuitable to PAP testing for a period of time.

For men, Better2Know offers swab tests for HPV. Your Better2Know Doctor will determine the appropriate site (visible wart, urethra, or anus) for sampling.

Results are available four days from when the sample is received in the laboratory.