What is it?

Ureaplasma is a bacterium which occurs naturally in men and women. Therefore, it is not considered a classic sexually transmitted infection, although it can be passed through sexual contact. When a colony of the bacteria overgrows, it can cause irritation.

What are the symptoms?

An infection can cause symptoms that are similar to those of Urethritis such as genital discharge, pain during urination and redness and inflammation around the site of infection.

Ureaplasma Testing

Testing with Better2Know is easy, fast and painless. Ureaplasma can be tested for as part of our Comfort Screen, Full Screen and Platinum Screen. Please be sure that you hold your urine for three hours before your test. The results for this test take four days from when your sample is received in the laboratory.


Ureaplasma is treated with a course of antibiotics. Your Better2Know Doctor can help prescribe the right medication for you.